

➡️If you encounter problems during the shopping process, please contact us, we will be happy to provide you with good service.

➡️If you receive the wrong goods, we can refund you or resend the goods

➡️If you receive damaged goods, we can refund you or resend the goods

➡️If you have not received the goods for a long time, we will refund you or resend the goods

What is your return policy?

Guaranteed. Hassle free, questions asked returns. All you need to do is contact us after receiving a bad order

How do I initiate a return?

Simply send us a quick message letting us know you wish to return, and we will provide you with the return address.

What if the item has been used?

All returned items must be in perfect resalable condition. We do not resell opened products. If the returned item is deemed to not be in a resalable condition, we reserve the right to refuse a refund.

When will I receive my refund?

Your refund will be issued back to your original method of payment as soon as your return is inspected and processed - typically within 72 business hours of receipt.

Where will you refund my money?

Refunds will always be returned to your original method of payment - no exceptions.

Who pays the shipping return fees?

LUSEEN does not provide prepaid return labels.

Are there restocking fees?


Cancellation & Order Edits

What is your cancellation policy?

Typically, orders can be canceled as long as they haven't been processed by our fulfillment network. If you haven't paid the order yet, you can leave it unpaid and it will be automatically canceled within 24 hours. If you've paid, you can cancel the order within 1 hour after payment.

The order cannot be canceled due to it has been shipped, you can try to submit a refund request from your Order details to ask for a refund.

Can I add items to an existing order or change the order style?

No, unfortunately, our system doesn't support edits. You must contact us in order to cancel the existing order if possible and a new order must be placed.